luni, 10 ianuarie 2011


1.Yourself? Mama, bunica si strabunica O.o

2. Your bestfriends? Cei mai buni prieteni pe care ii pot avea:x

3. Your hair? saten la origine. Acum vopsit : un saten roscat care se decoloreaza:-L

4. Your mother? Nice.

5. Your father? Sometimes annoying but nice.

6. Your favourite item? Cherry ^.^

7. Your dream last night? Pai eram criminala in serie :-? :D

8. Your favourite drink? Cola=p~

9. Your dream car? :-??

10. The room you're in? Sufragerie.

11. Your ex? :-j

12. Your fear? Serpi. X_x

13. What you want to be in 10 years? Sa fac parte din Politia Animalelor in America:D Sau medic veterinar:-?

14. Who you hung out with last night? No one:

15. What you're not? Pitipoanca & Co. X_X

16. Mufiins? Le ador <3

17. Time? 11:20

18. The last thing you did? Am apasat pe butonul pe care incepe melodia "Here's to the past" de la A day to remember.

19. What are you wearing? Pantaloni negri, bluza alba si un pulover negru<3.

20. your favourite weather? Stormy.

21. Your favourite book? Seria "Maigret" de George Simenon

22. The last thing you ate? O portocala<3

23. Your life? Sometimes good, sometimes ....:

24. Your mood? Happy!!!

25. Your body? :-??

26. What are you thimking about right now? La cat de trist a fost visul meu...

27. Your car? N-am....

28. What are you doing at the moment? Ma uit la un film bestial=p~

29. Your summer? :-?? ce e cu ea?

30. What color are your underwear? White.

31. What is the weather like? Cred ca senin.

32. When is the last time you laughed? Acum 2 minute.

33. What is on your tv? Un film genial=p~ "Premonitia" =p~
O dau mai departe urmatoarelor persoane: Ted, Zam, Ciocarlica.>:D<